I know, I know. I'm so silent lately, here. It's weirding me out, too! I'm burning to get back on track but for now I wanted to jump on and share this little tidbit with you: how to dress up jeans.
Today I discovered that jeans in any wash (without holes) will immediately look more formal if you just cover the zipper and pockets. I know, it's genius! Though I don't typically work out of a formal office setting, I've been temporarily shacked up in a
real live workplace with other professionals. I've decided so far this week to wear jeans. I just keep wearing long shirts and high heels to make up for the fact. But of course, I'm a writer/editor/blogger and this is a creative environment, so as long as I don't have to stand up from behind the desk and meet any clients it should be all good, correct? I like to think so.
Yesterday I wore dark-wash jeans with a long flowing black scoop-neck shirt. Today I'm wearing a medium-wash jean with a Google-logo blue shirt-dress layered beneath a navy V-neck sweater. I'm running out of long shirts though; wonder what I'll do tomorrow to get away with wearing jeans to the office.
Oh, and pearls. Pearls make everything look just a little more classy.