Sunday, April 23, 2006

Outfit Search 2

A few weeks ago I shared my angst-riddled journey to find an outfit to wear to a special occasion. The bugger was to build the outfit around a tricky pair of shoes. As I mentioned, I needed to wear the same beautiful, complicated shoes to another formal occasion with (possibly) some of the same people, and therefore needed a re-invention of the old theme.

I should have enlisted Shoewawa. The creators regularly run "Play the Shoe Stylist" activities, where readers put together outfits to go with a feisty pair of shoes. I could have used their help!

Well, now the dinner cruise has come and gone, but I managed to put together something new and incorporate a little color this time.

As promised, my outfit:

Close-up on the necklace:

Cruise shoes:

If you have any new ideas for my shoes, feel free to share!
Comment or email me at -- pictures welcome!


!mp said...

i'm not sure i like the stockings in this.

Style Bard said...

Ah, see, as I explained to my father, the cruise consisted of many theatre colleagues and I was going for something a little crazy and funky. If I'd worn black tights or sheer hose, it would have been terribly formal for the event.

At least I wasn't the one in the white fedora.
Although I do look cute in hats...

Rebecca said...

Now I'm not going to be able to sleep at night, thinking about what you can wear with those shoes! BTW, that dress is very flattering.

I am totally not a hat person, but maybe you could do something with a hat, black & white to balance the shoes. Or a girly tux look? Aaaa ...

Style Bard said...

LOL a girly tux look would be -so- hot! I'd have a dilemma on my hands about wearing the shoes just to cover them with pants, but I bet something could be worked out... capris, or something...
Great idea!

Rebecca said...

How about a tux with knee-length pants? (I was blogging about bermuda pseudts today.) :D

Style Bard said...

If it's not too much of a hassle, send me some pics and stuff! I'd totally publish them and even try them irl! I've never owned knee-length before...

Rebecca said...

I'm looking, but I'm not super speedy. My phone has a decent camera, though ...